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Cloud Strife
The main character in Final Fantasy VII.Ê Originally a member of SOLDIER, he is now a mercenary who will take any job.Ê After being hired by AVALANCHE, he gradually gets caught up in a massive struggle for the life of the planet.Ê His enormous sword can cut almost anything in two.
Site Updates:
I added some text graphics to the headings and that about it.O and i changed the photo page layout so there are only 2 pics on every line not 3, but that doesnt really do anything. And the guestbook is now...usable, so drop a line or two. I added a custom page, and it's all about Green Day.

Cloud- from FF VII

Barret Wallace
Head of the underground resistance movement, AVALANCHE, Barret is fighting the mega-conglomerate Shinra, Inc. which has monopolized Mako energy by building special reactors to suck it out of the planet.Ê Barret depends on brute strength and his "Gun-arm" to see him through.Ê His wife died in an accident several years ago, and he now lives with his daughter Marlene.

Barret - from FF VII